Thursday, June 12, 2014

Now it's there ... maintenant c'est là.

I've launched a new website in French, business matters and should be in French in Quebec. You guys can use google translate it works not that bad:!le-blog-du-domaine/cp10

Nous avons maintenant une page web, tout en français. Nous n'écrirons plus ici:!le-blog-du-domaine/cp10

Thursday, April 17, 2014

I know ...

We haven't  been giving news for a decade ... or so.
We are good. Things are growing fast. So fast I can't event think of writing the blog.

I will try to take a moment tomorrow and write down some stuff.

I've been missing you guys. Having thoughts for First man, OctoberFarm Jaz and MaryJane and Wren ... Just to name a few.

We think about you guys. We are hoping all is well for you.

I'll try to write more.

Martin and I selling our products in a fair in last November.